
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

To be published in a journal, a manuscript goes through the following stages:

Checking for illegal borrowings from other publications (plagiarism) and duplication, including translation of publications from other languages, using the Anti-Plagiarism system;

Preliminary review of the manuscript for compliance with the topic and requirements of the journal, as a result of which the authors may be sent recommendations for finalizing the manuscript;

Reviewing the article and revising it taking into account the reviewer’s comments, if any;

Quality control of translation into English (amendments are agreed with the author).

The editors of the journal reserve the right to edit the author's text, bringing it to the norms of the Russian language (authors are notified of changes made).


The article is submitted to the editorial office in electronic form via the journal’s website or to the editorial address The file name is determined by the last name of the author responsible for the correspondence, for example, Ivanov.doc. Along with the article, the editorial board is provided with: an examination report with the conclusion of the lead author’s organization on the possibility of publishing this article in the open press; a scan of the first page with signatures of all authors (if the article has more than one author). Electronic copies of the above documents must be sent to the journal address Articles are submitted in Russian or English in Microsoft Word format (*.doc, *.docx), prepared according to the following requirements.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • It is recommended to use a TEMPLATE to format your manuscript.


    page format – A4; orientation – portrait; mirror margins: top – 25 mm, bottom – 30 mm, left – 23 mm, right – 17 mm. Header and footer – 15 mm. The headers and footers of even and odd pages cannot be distinguished; The volume of the article is from 4 to 10 pages in A4 format.

  • The figure captions should meet the following requirements:

    •      the captions should be typed under the figures in Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size – 10 pt, formatting - in the center of each column, indentation before and after paragraphs – 0 mm. Put the dot after the number, and do not put it at the end of the caption;
    •      the captions under the figures are mandatory;
    •      figure caption starts with the word "Figure" and index number;
    •      if there are several figures, which have one common caption, these figures are marked with letters a), b), c), etc.;
    •      the references to the figures are typed in full in the article’s text: figure 2a; figure 3a and b; figure 8a, b; figure 9a-d;
    •      the captions under the figures should include a brief description and explanation of the symbols and signs used in the figure.
  • Formulas are executed according to the following requirements:

    •      formulas are typed in the formula editor Microsoft Equation (up to version 3.0) or in  MathType program. Formatting - left-alignment;
    •      it is not allowed to write formulas in MS Equation 2007/2010/2013!
    •      all special symbols in the text must be performed in a mathematical editor. Do not use Microsoft Word text symbols in writting mathematical expressions and formulas;
    •      Latin letters are typed in italic using Times New Roman font with the12 pt size, greek letters are typed using Symbol font with the12 pt size. Left Indent - 5 mm, left-aligned;
    •      intervals before and after the formula are 2 points;
    •      lowercase formulas numbering is sequentially in parentheses: (1) (2) (3);
    •      numbering of the formulas is provided in the order of appearance the article text. Should be numbered only formulas that are referenced in the text;
    •      formulas should be typed on a new line;
    •      if you cannot place a formula using specified sizes it is allowed to  type formulas in the entire width of the sheet - up to 17 cm (including the numbering of formulas), indents - the same, on the typed formula set the mode "one column";
    •      for mathematical notation is recommended to use the most simple symbols and indexes;
    •      any kind of indexes and, especially, over the letters sub indexes: tildes, dashes, arrows, etc. should be avoided, a trait for complex conjugate variables is retained. For the averaged values of the mathematical expectations and variances angle brackets are recommended <>.
  • Bibliography is executed according to the following requirements:

    •      References list is provided in separate lists numbered in order of citation. References in the text are shown in brackets and separated by commas or dashes: [1, 2], [3-5];
    •      text is typed using Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size - 10 points, indention - 5 mm, formatting - full justification, numbered;
    •      Harvard style of references should be used;
    •      if there are several authors then it is necessary to specify all authors in a bibliographic reference;
    •      titles of the periodicals (journals) are fully given without abbreviations;
    •      it is allowed to include the list of references that is accepted (deposited) for publication  in specific publications with indicating the period of the publication;
    •      it is not allowed to include unpublished (not accepted for publication) materials in the Bibliographical list.
  • Articles that do not meet the above requirements won’t be accepted. Manuscript and supporting documents will not be returned. Date of receipt of a manuscript is considered to be the day of receiving final text.


Copyright Notice

Авторы, публикующие статьи в данном журнале, соглашаются на следующее:

Авторы сохраняют авторские права на свое произведение и предоставляют Журналу право публикации на условиях лицензии CC-BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License), которая позволяет всем неограниченно скачивать, повторно использовать, перепечатывать, изменять, распространять, копировать публикации и создавать новые материалы на их основе при условии указания авторства и источника.


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