Influence of vibrations on characteristics of hydromechanical regulators

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The main noise source in gas distribution systems is the gas pressure reduction in regulators. Nowadays the special mufflers, representing a set of orifices, are widely used for pressure regulator noise reduction. However, the installation of such devices may cause malfunction of the unit. That is why there is a need to study the characteristics of regulator with the muffler in order to select the parameters at which the desired pressure reduction is retained and the noise is reduced.
This paper studies the regulator which represents an equivalent of reduction valve of a similar scheme with the muffler installed in the outlet line. The output impedance increase may lead to loss of stability and control accuracy. The mathematical model of this system was implemented in the Simulink software in order to analyze the muffler impact on pressure relief valve static and dynamic characteristics. The program in Matlab software was also developed for determination of the noise generated by the system. The experimental research using the pneumatic bench was carried out for mathematical model verification.

About the authors

Anatoly Gulienko

Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Анатолий Иванович Гулиенко

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Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics

ISSN 2409-4579 (Online)

Publisher and Founder: Samara National Research University, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.

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Editor-in-chief:  Academician of the RAS
E. V. Shakhmatov 

4 issues per year.

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