Evolution of the fan casing treatment design of the counter rotating turbofan with the purpose of increasing its acoustic performance

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The results of an experimental study of the effects of several slot type casing treatment (STCT) configurations on ducted counter rotating fan model (DCRF) noise are given in present work. The casing treatment design parameters such as lattice duty cycle and the cavity height were varied. It is shown that the most important parameter is the duty factor of the lattice. The configuration of STCT, which provides the greatest reduction of sum sound power level of the fan model was installed over the second rotor only and had the highest duty factor.

About the authors

Yaroslav Sergeevich Pochkin

CIAM, Moscow, Russia.

Email: yurikhalet@ciam.ru

Engineer of "The jet engine compressors department"

Russian Federation

Yuriy Daniilovich Khaletskiy

CIAM, Moscow, Russia.

Author for correspondence.
Email: yurikhalet@ciam.ru

Doctor of Engineering (DE), head of acoustics of "The jet engine compressors department"

Russian Federation

Viktor Ivanovich Mileshin

CIAM, Moscow, Russia.

Email: mileshin@ciam.ru

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), head of "The jet engine compressors department"

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2019 Ярослав Сергеевич Почкин, Юрий Даниилович Халецкий, Виктор Иванович Милешин

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics

ISSN 2409-4579 (Online)

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