Sound-absorbing structures to reduce cabin and community noise of aircraft (Review)

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The analysis of sound-absorbing structures is carried out taking into account their modern classification. The considered sound-absorbing structures can be used to reduce aircraft cabin and community noise levels. Depending on the spectrum of the main noise sources, the required type of sound-absorbing structure is selected, which is then adjusted to the problematic frequency range. Semiempirical and experimental methods are used to adjust sound-absorbing structures, and numerical methods are currently being actively developed.

About the authors

Petr A. Moshkov

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); NTsMU «Sverkhzvuk»

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Leading Engineer

Russian Federation, Moscow

Maksim N. Ostroumov

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


1st category Engineer, NIO-101

Russian Federation, Moscow

Denis D. Davydov

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Engineer of NIO-101

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2024 Moshkov P.A., Ostroumov M.N., Davydov D.D.

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Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics

ISSN 2409-4579 (Online)

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