Vol 10, No 1 (2024): 6.05.2024

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Influence of worn on flow characteristics of aircraft engine labyrinth seals

Matveev A.A., Tisarev A.Y., Falaleev S.V., Mironova K.A.


Labyrinth seals are currently the most common type of sealant in aircraft engines. The article proposes an approach to take into account the value of their cutting into the stator part when determining the air flow rate. The comparison of the results of calculation of characteristics of labyrinth seals taking into account cutting of seal combs into the stator part with the use of semi-empirical and numerical models is carried out. The nature of the change in air flow through the seal is revealed when the geometric parameters of the grooves in the stator part change as a result of wear of the actuated coating when the ridge of the labyrinth seal is inserted. The most effective semi-empirical models for calculating the characteristics of such seals for various wear patterns and gap sizes are proposed, as well as recommendations for their modernization to improve the accuracy of calculations.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics. 2024;10(1):7-20
pages 7-20 views 857

Development of an equivalent model of a damping elastic ring considering elastic contact on bulges

Cheng L., Novikov D.K., Diligenskiy D.S.


The study introduces a model of an elastic ring that takes into account contact conditions on bulges. The model represents the elastic damping ring as a series of straight beams connected by hinges. The methodology proposed herein calculates the average weighted stiffness of sections of the ring containing bulges and a smooth elastic part, which is essential for determining the overall stiffness of the entire ring.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics. 2024;10(1):21-28
pages 21-28 views 794

Research of strength parameters and dynamic characteristics of rotor parts of a promising small sized GTE

Evdokimov D.V., Filinov E.P., Skuratov D.L., Ostapyuk Y.A.


The presented work demonstrates a study devoted to assessing the strength characteristics of the rotor elements of a promising small-sized gas turbine engine. The main feature is that the analysis of the stress-strain state of the engine rotor is carried out taking into account vibrations and resonant frequencies. In turn, the assessment of the dynamic characteristics of the rotor elements was carried out taking into account the conditions of their mutual contact. The research materials presented in this article will serve for further iterations of engine design.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics. 2024;10(1):29-39
pages 29-39 views 699

Research of the accuracy and efficiency of typical structures using wave shell finite element models

Shchemelev V.I., Matveev P.


Research of the accuracy of wave shell finite element models was carried out. The results were compared with the results of analytical calculations. According to the research results, for all considered vibration modes of standard structures, the discrepancy in the values of natural frequencies does not exceed 5%.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics. 2024;10(1):40-49
pages 40-49 views 765

Sound-absorbing structures to reduce cabin and community noise of aircraft (Review)

Moshkov P.A., Ostroumov M.N., Davydov D.D.


The analysis of sound-absorbing structures is carried out taking into account their modern classification. The considered sound-absorbing structures can be used to reduce aircraft cabin and community noise levels. Depending on the spectrum of the main noise sources, the required type of sound-absorbing structure is selected, which is then adjusted to the problematic frequency range. Semiempirical and experimental methods are used to adjust sound-absorbing structures, and numerical methods are currently being actively developed.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics. 2024;10(1):50-67
pages 50-67 views 801

Vibroacoustic modeling of a compressor piping system

Mironova T.B., Rekadze P.D., Prokof'ev A.B.


The paper presents a finite element model of the compressor piping, developed in the Ansys software package using the APDL language. The finite element model was developed taking into account the real conditions of fastening pipeline sections in the form of installed supports. The calculation of the pipeline system began with the calculation of flow pulsations generated by the compressor, which were converted into pressure pulsations. The calculation results in the form of pipe vibration amplitude were obtained for each piping pipeline. The results obtained were compared with the vibration parameters recommended by GOST 32569-2013.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics. 2024;10(1):68-77
pages 68-77 views 811

Study of a damper based on a multilayer magnetorheological elastomer

Tabakaev V.S., Bazinenkov A.M., Tuzhba G.B., Shagimuratova A.K.


The research presented in the work focuses on a damper that utilizes an "intelligent" material called multilayer magnetorheological elastomer. These devices are of interest due to their ability to adjust the elastic properties, size, and shape of the working body by manipulating the external magnetic field. They also have a high load capacity. The effectiveness of the damper's vibration isolation is determined by its design, manufacturing technology, and the composition of the multilayer magnetorheological elastomer. The mechanical and magnetic hysteresis of the device allows for evaluating the controllability of the damper and its ability to absorb vibrations. Research results indicate the presence of a symmetric and narrow hysteresis loop, not exceeding 7 μm, within the operating range of control currents.

Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics. 2024;10(1):78-87
pages 78-87 views 718